What did we do before CodeAcademy?
As a product of the 90s/early 2000s, getting educated in computers was rough. While we had at least one computer per classroom in elementary school (I went to a private school) we only had one semester of computer programming in high school, and it was in BASIC, already an outdated language (though if you know BASIC and can post videos to YouTube, you might have a chance at being successful there – I should have paid attention more, ha). Then in college I’m pretty sure there was no computer science major, and the one class I rembmer taking was in Flash animation (good thing I didn’t go down that road). So having been born in this awkward age where either I was consigned to learning outdated or terrible platforms, and was too early to benefit from the plethora of democartized learning platforms available today? Hold on to your seats, the answer may shock you:
That’s right, books. And the book I used may shock you even more: